Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Goldwell hairstyling show

Me and Joakim out on new adventures again and this time we where doing the makeup for a Goldwell Hairstyling show. Before we actually found the place we went to the wrong building.. great huh? we just went one door to short and suddenly we where standing in the EU building or something running up and down the stairs looking for the way into Goldwell.. we .. or at least me, felt pretty stupid when we got outside and someone pointed at the building next door.

Nevertheless we got there in time. The place was just enormous and beautiful, nicely decorated and fresh, I really liked it there.
I remember thinking the day went so fast and in between hair models running between us and the hairstylists and back to us again the time just went out. After all the makeup where done we even got a present ! I love presents : )

This is what we got:
a dualsenses Color Shampoo and dualsensen Color Conditioner

It was a wonderful day end everyone was so nice to us, thank you for letting us coming!


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