Monday, April 19, 2010

Photo shoot with David Sandell with guest

After the Dracula makeup I rushed to meet up with David Sandell to have a short briefing about the days shoot. We might both been a little nervous at first cause but we realized pretty fast this was nothing to be nervous about after all.

We had the shoot outside most of the day on different locations, the model where amazing when you think about how new we are to the "industry" but I'm sure the picture that where taken turns out fantastic!

I don't think I should say any names before the photos are ready to be showed off so for now you can guess but I'm sure you wont get it right : ) Thanks to both for a totally mind blowing day and the pizza was really good.


Dracula Teaser

It was an early morning on my way to school to do makeup on some of the Dracula Musical cast,
but the day went slow, about 15(?) of the 25 people who where suppose to come came and we where 8 makeup artists.

So we had a slow day with a lot of waiting, but all in all it was a good 5 hours.

**this is my test makeup for the Dracula at Joakim**

Bare Mineral Course

Had a day at Bare Minerals, my class had a course to get the diploma to sell and use Bare Minerals. The course leader was really great and made it more than just boring facts, and afterwards we got to try out the products. We even got to buy 4 thing at half price in the store!
I only bought two things, this amazing Buxom Lip gloss "Bambi" that makes your lips bigger for real :p and a makeup belt who works great for now.

After the course me and Joakim went to "smink och perukmakarn" to look at their products and they had a lot of great stuff! So gonna go there again : ) They had good stuff and it didn't cost to much!

Fashion show at Grodan Segel

Had a fashion show at Grodan Sergel with Jessica, Joakim and 3 other MUAs from Makeup Store. We arrived at 18:00 and I meet 3 models from Gröna Lund which was cool, its always fun to meet people you worked with before!

Jessica on the phone while we are waiting for us to get started : )

And in the middle of a makeup. We left around 21:00 cause we had the Dracula makeup the next morning at 09:00.

Cabaret at Snaps Bar Medborgarplatsen

I had never been at a Cabaret before and wasn't really sure what to expect but It was so much fun! The music and the artists made this really amazing mix of good feelings and happy thoughts in the stress that soon where about to follow.

I've worked in a few different places but nothing like this before :D First I thought it was a joke, but it worked out even doh someone from the kitchen came in to get some paper and about all my stuff where dropped on the floor, nothing got broken : ) Thank god!
I wish I'd took lots of pictures but I didn't, but this is one of my works and she was really good on the stage! I hope to go back there soon and do it all again ^^

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