Thursday, April 8, 2010

Soft Lillys Makeup - 6th April

Had Devi over as a model again just a few days ago, did this eyeshadow who where gonna be more as a jeans/Levis/Diesel makeup but it turned out the wrong way and started matching her shirt more than I was supposed to, but she was happy about it so I cant say I was sad^^

Blue Pearl - 30th March

So I did the "Planet Blue" and made a few adjustments to it, the reason I made such a similar design is just cause I like playing around with colors and shapes :D I missed a little on this one doh, not the designs fault just my clumsy pensel.

Model: Theres

Orange eyeshadow - 29th March

Did a makeup for -black and white- photographs that I guess turned out pretty good if you think about the fact that its suppose to look natural : )

I also did this but then again its sad I didn't have a better camera at this point, cause it turned out pretty hot but I wasnt able to catch it on cam :/ Its an orange/yellow eyeshadow that made both her blue eyes and hair to stand out a lot. Though I should put it in here as well just cause I really did like it in person.

Model : Theres

Pink goth makeup 23th march

This is before the makeup really was done but I took a few pictures "in progress"
I like the pink and the eyeliner.

Here is the finished makeup, dont you just adore her lips ? I really enjoyed doing this makeup on Hanna.

Model : Hanna

Red Ridninghood Makeup - 22th March

So it aint really little red riding hood but I thought the name would fit just cause of all the red,
Angel where my model again and all the red kind of goes with her hair and personality : )

Makeup for golden skin 17th March

This was a really fun day! We got to do makeup on .. I dont know if black and brown is a good word for it, so lets say Golden models. Honestly it wasnt easy to find the right skin tone but it was so much fun to play with the tones and colors.

My model is Devi who are going to be a Designer, she was really nice and I have used her as a model after this day, and she will be my model at the last photoshoot for my portfolio.

"Planet Blue Eyeshadow" 16th March

Had my creativity run a little in class that day, its not a secret I got the
colors from her hair : )

Model : Theres

Marilyn Monroe 15 march

We did the Marilyn Monroe makeup style a while back,
It wasnt really that hard, I just failed a bit with the lipstick :D

Model : Angel

and sorry about the crappy quality but I took the pictures with my mobil phone.

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